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Ancora 1
English Time - Grammatica e corso d'inglese

English Time has been designed and built to introduce newbies to English step by step, giving them the opportunity to learn what has become the most widely spoken language in the world for years now, in a simple and fast way. The various study phases, into which this grammar course has been divided, allow the student to achieve knowledge equal to the international level B1. Daniele Antonio Battaglia is an international teacher of English, having obtained the TESOL specialization from Arizona State University (ASU) in 2017.

Ancora 5
Recitare è vivere - Corso teorico d'introduzione alla recitazione

“Acting is living”, a theoretical introduction course to acting. The lessons are divided into three chapters structured to impart the fundamental basics of acting, up to the concepts to be applied on the stage and / or in front of the cameras. Our journey together to the stage is beginning.

Ancora 3
Scrivere con Fantasia
Corso di scrittura creativa

"Writing with Fantasy" is a creative writing course that aims, as its purpose, to introduce people to the fundamental bases to undertake a creative and narrative path of any kind, to then use their skills in the development to the fullest. of the story you intend to tell the reader, trying to underline the most important and delicate steps that must be taken to complete a project of this magnitude. There are many phases and many are the topics on which we will focus to give the opportunity to acquire the necessary concepts that will help each student of the course to blossom the narrative art that is present in each of us. In addition to the various main phases, we will also deepen those small chisels that serve to embellish and improve every type of prose book, up to explaining how to decide, which way of publication you think might be more suitable for your work. In the following pages, you will therefore find my personal writing system, which I decided to share with all of you, taking a cue from the classic bases of the subject that we will discuss together, to be able to lead you through the paths of the labyrinth of fantasy and ensure that your ideas can find the outlet to be described in the best way.

Ancora 2
Writing with Fantasy
Creative writing course

"Writing with Fantasy" is a course of creative writing that aims, as goal, to introduce people to the fundamental bases to undertake a creative narrative path of any kind it could be, and then to use your own skills in the development of the story that is meant to tell for the reader, trying to underline the most important and delicate steps that must be taken to complete a project of this kind. There are many stages and there are many topics on which we shall focus, giving the opportunity to acquire the necessary concepts that will help each student of the course, to bloom the narrative art that is present in each one of us. In addition to the various main phases, we shall deepen also those small chiselling that are used to embellish and improve every kind of prose book, up to explain how to decide, which way of publishing, you think can be more suitable for your work. In the following pages, therefore, you will find my personal writing system that I decided to share with all of you, inspired by the classic foundations of the material that we shall handle together, to lead you through the labyrinth streets of your imagination and ensure that your ideas could find the exit to be described in the best way.

Ancora 2
English Time - Grammatica e corso d'inglese

English Time has been designed and built to introduce newbies to English step by step, giving them the opportunity to learn what has become the most widely spoken language in the world for years now, in a simple and fast way. The various study phases, into which this grammar course has been divided, allow the student to achieve knowledge equal to the international level B1. Daniele Antonio Battaglia is an international teacher of English, having obtained the TESOL specialization from Arizona State University (ASU) in 2017.

Ancora 2
Writing with Fantasy
Creative writing course

"Writing with Fantasy" is a course of creative writing that aims, as goal, to introduce people to the fundamental bases to undertake a creative narrative path of any kind it could be, and then to use your own skills in the development of the story that is meant to tell for the reader, trying to underline the most important and delicate steps that must be taken to complete a project of this kind. There are many stages and there are many topics on which we shall focus, giving the opportunity to acquire the necessary concepts that will help each student of the course, to bloom the narrative art that is present in each one of us. In addition to the various main phases, we shall deepen also those small chiselling that are used to embellish and improve every kind of prose book, up to explain how to decide, which way of publishing, you think can be more suitable for your work. In the following pages, therefore, you will find my personal writing system that I decided to share with all of you, inspired by the classic foundations of the material that we shall handle together, to lead you through the labyrinth streets of your imagination and ensure that your ideas could find the exit to be described in the best way.

Ancora 4
English Time - Grammatica e corso d'inglese

English Time has been designed and built to introduce newbies to English step by step, giving them the opportunity to learn what has become the most widely spoken language in the world for years now, in a simple and fast way. The various study phases, into which this grammar course has been divided, allow the student to achieve knowledge equal to the international level B1. Daniele Antonio Battaglia is an international teacher of English, having obtained the TESOL specialization from Arizona State University (ASU) in 2017.

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